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Red bean milk, has become increasingly popular among many people. Making a delicious red bean milk is not as complicated as you might think.

Red bean milk, with its many health benefits, has become increasingly popular among many people. And making a delicious, creamy red bean milk is not as complicated as you might think. With simple ingredients and easy steps, you can have a tasty red bean milk for the whole family to enjoy. In this article, Hanuti will guide you through the detailed process of making red bean milk.

Red bean milk has many health benefits

You can choose to make pure red bean milk or combine it with other ingredients. Below are some delicious and easy-to-make red bean milk recipes that you can try at home for your family.

Pure red bean milk


300g red beans
220ml unsweetened fresh milk


Soak the red beans in warm water for 8 hours to soften them, then rinse them thoroughly and drain the water.
Put the soaked red beans in a pot, add water, and cook over low heat. When the water starts to boil, reduce the heat to low and cook for another 15-20 minutes until the beans are soft.
Blend the cooked red beans with water in a blender until smooth.
Strain the mixture to extract the smooth milk.
Pour the strained milk into a pot, heat it over low heat. When the milk starts to boil, add sugar and fresh milk to taste. Stir well to prevent the milk from clotting or sticking to the bottom of the pot.

Red bean milk combined with other ingredients

Instead of drinking plain red bean milk every day, you can mix it with other ingredients to add variety and reduce boredom. Some ingredients that can be combined with red bean milk include oats, white sesame, peanuts, lotus seeds, walnuts, rice, soybeans, chia seeds, etc.

Below are some red bean milk recipes that you can try:

Red bean milk with lotus seeds

Red bean milk with lotus seeds is a suitable beverage for people of all ages. It is also a drink that helps increase fiber for the digestive system.


  • 200g red beans
  • 50g fresh lotus seeds
  • Pandan leaves
  • Condensed milk
  • Sugar
  • Salt


  • Soak the red beans overnight to soften them.
  • Clean the lotus seeds, remove the bitter part.
  • Cook the red beans until they are soft and blend them with the lotus seeds.
  • Strain the mixture to extract the essence.
  • Pour the strained milk into a pot, heat it over low heat. When it starts to boil, add pandan leaves to enhance the aroma. Add sugar and condensed milk to taste.

Red bean milk with peanuts

The combination of red bean milk and peanuts improves skin condition, making it look younger thanks to its abundant vitamin E content. Moreover, both types of seeds contain antioxidants and vitamin B6, which are beneficial for heart health.


  • 200g red beans
  • 100g peanuts
  • Pandan leaves
  • 220ml unsweetened fresh milk
  • Sugar


  • Soak the red beans and peanuts in clean water, remove any moldy or damaged beans.
  • Blend the soaked red beans and peanuts with water.
  • Strain the mixture to remove the bean husks and retain the essence.
  • Pour the strained milk into a pot and heat it over low heat.
  • When the milk starts to boil, add pandan leaves to infuse the aroma. Then add sugar and unsweetened fresh milk according to taste.

Red bean milk with brown rice

This is a great weight-loss milk recipe that many people use. The iron in brown rice also helps improve anemia and reduce fatigue and stress.


  • 50g red beans
  • 100g brown rice
  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar


  • Soak the red beans for 5-8 hours, then drain them and roast them until golden brown.
  • Rinse the brown rice thoroughly and drain it.
  • Blend the roasted red beans and brown rice with water.
  • Strain the mixture to remove the husks and retain the essence.
  • Pour the strained milk into a pot and heat it over low heat.
  • When the milk starts to boil, add sugar to taste.
  • Stir well to prevent clumping and sticking to the bottom of the pot.
  • Pour into glasses and enjoy!

With these simple recipes, you can replace brown rice with other ingredients such as cashews, walnuts, chia seeds, or soybeans to combine with red beans. You will have a delicious and nutritious milk for the whole family to enjoy!

In addition to mastering the cooking process, choosing and buying ingredients is also important in determining the quality of a good milk. Make sure to carefully research reputable sources for beans or milk ingredients to ensure their origin is clear.

At Hanuti, you can rest assured in choosing organic red beans to ensure quality according to international organic standards for making delicious red bean milk for your family. Above is a detailed guide on how to make delicious and creamy red bean milk for the whole family. It’s not difficult to have delicious milk for the whole family to enjoy, right?

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